Results for 'Francesco De Santis di Nicola'

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  1.  23
    Principle of Subsidiarity and 'Embeddedness' of the European Convention on Human Rights in the Field of the Reasonable-Time Requirement: The Italian Case.Francesco De Santis di Nicola - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):7-32.
    The right to ‘domestic remedies’, which ideally connects ‘subsidiarity’ and ‘embeddedness’ of the ECHR in the legal systems of member States, is deemed to play a crucial role for the Strasbourg machinery survival as well as for an effective protection of human rights, especially in the field of the ‘reasonable-time’ requirement. In this respect the Italian case seems an excellent test. Once a compensatory remedy was introduced in the Italian legal system by Law No. 80 of 2001 (the ‘Pinto Act’), (...)
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    Il Vico di Francesco Fiorentino.Nicola Siciliani de Cumis - 1979 - Napoli: Guida (Napoli).
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    Saggi di Filosofia.Di Francesco de Sarlo - 1897 - Philosophical Review 6 (6):657-661.
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    La figura di Socrate come paradigma del filosofare.Andrea De Santis (ed.) - 2022 - Roma: Aracne.
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  5. La libertà e l'uguaglianza nel pensiero di Alexis de Tocqueville.Vittorio De Santis - 1972 - Louvain,: Frankie.
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  6. Niccolò Argentieri, Ci sono elettroni nel mondo-della-vita? Esperienza, matematica, realtà: una lettura fenomenologica dell'epistemologia di Werner Heisenberg.Daniele De Santis - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (4):824.
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    Letters to a Young Therapist: Relational Practices for the Coming Community.Vincenzo Di Nicola - 2011 - New York, USA: Atropos Press.
    In these seven letters, practising psychiatrist Vincenzo Di Nicola offers wisdom to a young therapist from 25 years of experience conducting relational therapy. Ranging from what to read and how to begin therapy, the letters cover therapeutic temperaments and technique, how to create a relational dialogue, the myths of individual psychology and the need for relational psychology, the evolution of therapy in the past century and when therapy is over-all the while looking forward to the relational practices of the (...)
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  8. Ancora di Verga e del cinema italiano.Mario Alicata & Giuseppe De Santis - 1941 - Cinema 130:314-15.
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    I sermoni di Abelardo per le monache del Paracleto.Paola De Santis & Paola Desantis - 2002 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
  10. Considerazioni circa struttura e pathos del Proslogion.Andrea De Santis - 2014 - In Alfredo Simón (ed.), Conoscenza ed affectus in Anselmo d'Aosta: atti del simposio internazionale in occasione del 900° anniversario dalla morte di S. Anselmo d'Aosta, Facoltà di filosofia del Pontificio Ateneo di Sant'Anselmo di Roma, 21-22 aprile 2009. Roma: Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo.
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    The Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Coaches’ Perception of Stress and Emotion Regulation Strategies.Giampaolo Santi, Alessandro Quartiroli, Sergio Costa, Selenia di Fronso, Cristina Montesano, Francesco Di Gruttola, Edoardo Giorgio Ciofi, Luana Morgilli & Maurizio Bertollo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The recent global outspread of the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the lives of people across multiple countries including athletes, coaches, and supporting staff. Along with everybody else, coaches found themselves constrained to an at-home self-isolation, which limited their ability to normally engage with their profession and to interact with their athletes. This situation may also have impacted their own psychological well-being. With this study, we explored coaches’ perceptions of stress in relation to their emotion regulation strategies depending upon their gender (...)
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  12. Verità e poesia.Mario Alicata & Giuseppe De Santis - forthcoming - Cinema: Quindicinale di Divulgazione Cinematografica.
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  13. Eugen Fink e le interpretazioni fenomenologiche di Kant. [REVIEW]Daniele De Santis - 2011 - Studi Kantiani 24.
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    Alternating-offers bargaining with one-sided uncertain deadlines: an efficient algorithm.Nicola Gatti, Francesco Di Giunta & Stefano Marino - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (8-9):1119-1157.
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    Donne e scienza nel mondo antico (Women and science in the ancient world).Ernesta De Masi, Adele De Santis & Maria Serra - 2024 - Science and Philosophy 12 (1).
    L’articolo ricostruisce le biografie delle prime donne di cui si hanno notizie nella storia della matematica, filosofia e scienza. Sono descritte le vite e, per quel che permettono le fonti a noi giunte, le opere delle donne pitagoriche (in questo intervento si fa riferimento alle donne vissute dal VI al IV secolo a.C., nelle prime comunità pitagoriche della Magna Grecia), di Maria l’Ebrea alchimista alessandrina, per alcuni storici vissuta tra il I e il III secolo, per altri prima di Cristo, (...)
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    Economic Interplay Forecasting Business Success.Nicola Amoroso, Loredana Bellantuono, Alfonso Monaco, Francesco De Nicolò, Ernesto Somma & Roberto Bellotti - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    A startup ecosystem is a dynamic environment in which several actors, such as investors, venture capitalists, angels, and facilitators, are the protagonists of a complex interplay. Most of these interactions involve the flow of capital whose size and direction help to map the intricate system of relationships. This quantity is also considered a good proxy of economic success. Given the complexity of such systems, it would be more desirable to supplement this information with other informative features, and a natural choice (...)
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    “Guardarsi dagli amici” nella storia del libro filosofico di Ramon Llull.Francesco Santi - 2011 - Quaestio 11:209-224.
    The paper focuses on the following points:1. A survey of the characteristics of the philosophic book during the XIIIthcentury, with a special attention to the standard book-format developed for the Scholastic philosophy. 2. The innovations introduced by Ramon Llull, going beyond the standard model of the Scholastic book. Llull is a merchant and, because of his education, he is not able to write a book of philosophy; but he has been inspired by God, who asked him to write a book (...)
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  18. Mi Dialnet.Massimo Severo Giannini, C. Lupi, M. A. Raschini, G. Zanoletti, P. Monitinaro & G. De Santi - 1974 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (5-6).
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  19. Francesco Maria Spinelli, Vita, e studj scritta da lui medesimo in una lettera, a cura di Fabrizio Lomonaco; Tommaso Rossi, Opere filosofiche, a cura di Angelomichele De Spirito.Francesco de Carolis - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (3):623.
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    Mind and Causality a cura di Alberto Peruzzi.Mario De Caro, Massimo Marraffa & Michele Di Francesco - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (3):623-638.
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    La concezione e la storia del male nel Contra Gentes - De Incarnatione di S. Atanasio.Angelo De Nicola - 1976 - Augustinianum 16 (1):85-106.
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  22. Pathophysiological Bases of Comorbidity in Migraine.Claudia Altamura, Ilenia Corbelli, Marina de Tommaso, Cherubino Di Lorenzo, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Antonio Di Renzo, Massimo Filippi, Tommaso B. Jannini, Roberta Messina, Pasquale Parisi, Vincenzo Parisi, Francesco Pierelli, Innocenzo Rainero, Umberto Raucci, Elisa Rubino, Paola Sarchielli, Linxin Li, Fabrizio Vernieri, Catello Vollono & Gianluca Coppola - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:640574.
    Despite that it is commonly accepted that migraine is a disorder of the nervous system with a prominent genetic basis, it is comorbid with a plethora of medical conditions. Several studies have found bidirectional comorbidity between migraine and different disorders including neurological, psychiatric, cardio- and cerebrovascular, gastrointestinal, metaboloendocrine, and immunological conditions. Each of these has its own genetic load and shares some common characteristics with migraine. The bidirectional mechanisms that are likely to underlie this extensive comorbidity between migraine and other (...)
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    Platón y el problema de la política.Nicolás Di Natale - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0105.
    El presente artículo recorre la lectura arendtiana de Platón guiada a partir de las anotaciones y reflexiones de la autora alemana bosquejadas en el Denktagebuch, 1950 bis 1973. Si bien, la figura de Platón a sido recurrentemente evocada en diferentes trabajos de Arendt, aquí nos detendremos a hilvanar lo que denominó como el problema de la tradición del pensamiento político occidental, es decir, la hostilidad de la filosofía para con la política.
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    Storia della definizione di morte.Francesco Paolo de Ceglia (ed.) - 2014 - FrancoAngeli.
    Esiste un confine certo tra vita e morte? Il volume ripercorre, con un approccio transculturale, la storia della definizione di morte e le vicende connesse alle tecniche di accertamento del decesso dall'antichità ai giorni nostri. Da sempre, infatti, medici, filosofi e teologi si sono sforzati di individuare il momento preciso dell'exitus, l'istante in cui, secondo la tradizione, l'anima avrebbe lasciato il corpo. Nondimeno, soglie e parametri stabiliti da una generazione furono spesso posti in discussione e ridisegnati dalla successiva. Alimentato dai (...)
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    (1 other version)La hiérarchie des normes dans l'ordre juridique, social et institutionnel de l'Ancien Régime.Francesco Di Donato - forthcoming - Revus.
    Le contrôle de constitutionnalité, dont la magistrature parlementaire de l’Ancien Régime revendiquait le plein droit, n’était pas fondé uniquement sur les lois fondamentales du royaume, mais sur l’ensemble des principes (« les maximes ») tirés de la « Tradition ». Cette dernière était composée en premier lieu par le droit divin et le droit naturel, c’est-à-dire par des systèmes juridiques qui nécessitaient, tous les deux, une interprétation juridictionnelle ‘sapientiale’. Cette activité interprétative était ‘révélatrice’ d’un corpus de valeurs métaphysiques à laquelle (...)
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    Temi di filosofia del diritto.Francesco M. De Sanctis - 2002 - Roma: Bulzoni.
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  27. L'attività teoretica di Antonino Poppi, docente e filosofo francescano conventuale.Francesco de Carolis - 2002 - Miscellanea Francescana 102 (1-2):187-206.
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    Il lato segreto delle azioni: la dottrina dell'intenzione nella formazione dell'Islam come sistema di religione, etica e diritto.Ignazio De Francesco - 2014 - Roma: PISAI, Pontificio Istituto di studi arabi e d'islamistica.
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  29. Gentile E Croce Lettere Filosofiche di Un "Superato.".Francesco De Sarlo - 1925 - F. Le Monnier.
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  30. Sul concetto di natura.Francesco De Sarlo - 1910 - Rivista di Filosofia 2 (1):76.
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    Vita e psiche: saggio di filosfia della biologia.Francesco De Sarlo - 1935 - F. Le Monnier.
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  32. Gentile e Croce, lettere filosofiche di « un superato ».Francesco de Sarlo - 1927 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 103:152-153.
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    Aspetti deli’etica matrimoniale di Fulgenzio di Ruspe.Angelo De Nicola - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (2):361-382.
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    Francesco patrizi E sei errori di aristotele nella definizione Del tempo.Francesco Bottin - 2001 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46 (3):431-440.
    Este artigo apresenta as críticas de Francesco Patrizi à concepção aristotélica de tempo na sua Física, isto é, a crítica de Patrizi ao princípio de que o tempo é infinito em termos de infinidade matemática. A principal tese de Patrizi é a de que a “infinidade possível" da matemática acarreta contradições quando aplicada a substâncias naturais e à ciência natural em geral.
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    Relativismo, ecología y problemática ambiental.Federico di Pasquo, Matías Lamberti, Tomas Busan, Carolina Ocampo & Nicolás Lavagnino - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 26:07-23.
    Desde la década de 1960, con el surgimiento de las problemáticas ambientales, el discurso hegemónico de la ecología es recibido, reproducido y amplificado por una amplia variedad de actores sociales. Aquí, analizaremos un aspecto que consideramos central de este discurso. Nuestro objetivo se dirige a indagar en qué medida la ecología recupera los dualismos y. Nuestra hipótesis de trabajo es que esta disciplina opera mediante un doble movimiento: mientras trae a primer plano el dualismo, simultáneamente, soslaya el dualismo. Bajo este (...)
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    Alcuni aspetti farmacoeconomici del diabete mellito di tipo 2.Simona de Portu & Nicola Lama - 2009 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 2 (2):14-15.
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    Rethinking Boudon’s Cognitive Rationality in the Light of Mises’ Apriorism and Gadamer’s Hermeneutics.Enzo Di Nuoscio & Francesco Di Iorio - 2014 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 20 (2):129-142.
    The purpose of this article is to show that Boudon’s explanation of action in terms of “good reasons” can be philosophically enriched by merging his methodological perspective with Mises’ praxeology and Gadamer’s hermeneutics. In order to develop our goal of merging Boudon’s approach with Mises’ and Gadamer’s, we will focus on two points. The first is the identification of the invariable structure of human action. Unlike Boudon, we suggest that the best way to establish this invariable structure, which makes the (...)
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  38. Giovanni Gentile, Lezioni di filosofia morale del 1906/07. La libertà dello spirito. Saggio d'una introduzione alla metafisica Parte prima.-Introduzione e edizione a cura di N. De Domenico. [REVIEW]Nicola de Domenico - forthcoming - Giornale di Metafisica.
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    La melancolía como konstruktion histórica.Nicolás Di Natale - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 95:401-412.
    En su último trabajo el historiador Enzo Traverso afirma que las utopías del siglo XX han desaparecido dejando un presente cargado de memoria pero impotente a la hora de proyectarse en el futuro (Traverso, 2018: 34). La era actual del presentismo histórico, tal como lo denomina François Hartog, momifica toda experiencia pasada despojando el potencial revolucionario y, a su vez, anulando la posibilidad de un futuro emancipador ante la inmanencia de lo mismo. Esa fuerza histórica totalitaria se nos presenta como (...)
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    Simplificación epistemológica y riesgos asociados.Nicolás José Lavagnino, Christian Francese & Federico di Pasquo - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 28:53-73.
    El control biológico de especies no nativas que causan daños económicos y ambientales es la tecnología más importante de la Biología de las Invasiones. Si bien hay acuerdo que dicha tecnología es ambientalmente más amigable que el control químico, existen discusiones abiertas sobre los riesgos asociados a la misma. En el presente trabajo analizamos, utilizando como fuentes artículos científicos de revisión, las bases epistémicas subyacentes al desarrollo y la evaluación de riesgos asociados al control biológico. En particular, si sucede o (...)
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    Benedetto Croce und die Deutschen.Giusi Furnari Luvarà & Santi Di Bella (eds.) - 2011 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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  42. L'Oratio pro studiis primae philosophiae di Ferdinando Darbi OFMConv (? 1729).Francesco de Carolis - 2002 - Miscellanea Francescana 102 (3-4):769-781.
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  43. Il vocabolario Della "natura" Nel de mysteriis di giamblico.Francesco Romano - 1993 - In H. J. Blumenthal & Gillian Clark (eds.), The divine Iamblichus: philosopher and man of gods. London: Bristol Classical Press.
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    Sul De ventis di Teofrasto: Mss. vs. POxy 3721.Francesco Becchi - 2014 - Hermes 142 (3):371-377.
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    La dedicatoria a Leone X Del «de cardinalatu» di Paolo cortesi.Francesco Bausi - 1996 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 58 (3):643-650.
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  46. Pierre-François Moreau, Spinoza e lo spinozismo.Francesco De Carolis - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (2):385.
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    Tempo ed essere nell'autunno del medioevo: il De tempore di Nicola di Strasburgo e il dibattito sulla natura ed il senso del tempo agli inizi del XIV secolo.Tiziana Suarez-Nani - 1989 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
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    What names for covert awareness? A systematic review.Caroline Schnakers, Chase Bauer, Rita Formisano, Enrique Noé, Roberto Llorens, Nicolas Lejeune, Michele Farisco, Liliana Teixeira, Ann-Marie Morrissey, Sabrina De Marco, Vigneswaran Veeramuthu, Kseniya Ilina, Brian L. Edlow, Olivia Gosseries, Matteo Zandalasini, Francesco De Bellis, Aurore Thibaut & Anna Estraneo - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundWith the emergence of Brain Computer Interfaces, clinicians have been facing a new group of patients with severe acquired brain injury who are unable to show any behavioral sign of consciousness but respond to active neuroimaging or electrophysiological paradigms. However, even though well documented, there is still no consensus regarding the nomenclature for this clinical entity.ObjectivesThis systematic review aims to 1) identify the terms used to indicate the presence of this entity through the years, and 2) promote an informed discussion (...)
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    Creativity as an information-based process.Nicola De Pisapia & Clara Rastelli - 2022 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 13 (1):1-18.
    : Creativity, mostly ignored in Western philosophy due to its supposed mysteriousness, has recently become a respected research topic in psychology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. We discuss how in science the approach has mainly been to describe creativity as an information-based process, coherently with a computational view of the human mind started with the cognitive revolution. This view has produced progressively convincing models of creativity, up to current artificial neural network systems, vaguely inspired by biological neural processing, but already competing (...)
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    Francesco De Sarlo e il laboratorio fiorentino di psicologia.Liliana Albertazzi, Guido Cimino & Simonetta Gori-Savellini - 1999 - Laterza Giuseppe Edizioni.
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